Saturday, December 4, 2010

Clay Creations

I have never had experience with clay or sculpting so I was a little anxious about this project. My job was to find two items and sculpt them out of the clay and then we had to make three hybrids from those two objects. I decided to sculpt this weird cable plug thing I found sitting in my living room, and I chose this oversized diamond ring.

Obviously I thought these two objects would be fairly easy and would inspire me to easily create three hybrids. Well, the diamond part of the ring turned out to be very difficult because of the slanted triangles overlapping along the sides of the diamond. The actual ring part of it was a little challenging because the clay had to be thicker than the ring part so it looked a little chunky and strange. In the end, it did look like a giant diamond ring though. Next was the strange cable thing I found. It was pretty fun to sculpt because of the negative space on the bottom of it and the ridges on the tubes on the outside. The middle part had a little hump in it so that was interesting to re-create.

After I got those finished, I needed to start my three hybrids. From the diamond ring I focused on using the triangular shapes and the top shape of the ring. For the cable connecter I used the ridges, screw detail, and negative space. The hybrids were very unique and turned out to be almost playful. They reminded me of something from a Dr. Seuss book. 

hybrid 1

hybrid 2

hybrid 3

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